2021년 7월 12일 월요일

How can I find good dental clinic in Seoul Gangnam_Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic

Dental Care in Korea is generally of a high standard. General dentistry, orthodontics as well as oral surgery are all available. Many dentists have studied abroad and speak English. 


1. The cost of dental care in Korea is generally very affordable, especially compared to many of our home countries. Foreign residents, who have National Health Insurance Coverage, will find the costs even lower since many of the basic procedures are covered by the NHI.


2. Patients with National Health Insurance Coverage are required to sign a form authorizing the dentist to release information on the date of the patient's teeth cleaning/scaling. This is a requirement by NHIS as there is a limit of the number of teeth cleanings allowed in a given year. Patients will be asked to sign the form at their yearly teeth cleaning.


3. The majority of dental clinics will have cutting-edge or near cutting-edge equipment – you can pretty much expect lots of technology.


4. Not all dental clinics have private treatment rooms. In some there may be 3-4 chairs in the same room – all occupied. If there is one dentist, s/he may move from one patient to the other. That said, most of the clinics that cater to foreign patients, do have private or semi-private treatment rooms.


5. Most offices/clinics are very much up to international sanitation/sterilization standards. 

Finding a dentist, you can trust can be a challenge. But try to search about Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic and visit us. It will be good to know about 1 dental clinic in Korea : )

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
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2021년 7월 11일 일요일

You must need this before get the dental consultation in Korea Seoul Gangnam


What You Need to Know About Dental CT Scan? (Dental X-ray Concept)


Are you going to have a bone grafting or planning to have a dental implant but doubting the procedure? Do not be worried because a dental CT scan is a well-known machine for all dental offices. It will help the dentist to picture out the exact dimensions of your mouth and teeth to give the appropriate medical procedure that you need. You can visit trusted dental offices, like Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic, to get a safer and faster dental treatment.


Types of Dental X-Rays

The best quality level in dental specialist workplaces here and there the country used to be the standard x-ray. Presently, technologies have proceeded onward, and dental specialists have a more extensive scope of imaging machines to browse.


Intraoral x-rays alongside the panoramic x-ray are the old norm. On the other hand, extraoral x-rays are the new gatekeeper frequently utilized to distinguish TMJ and Airway issues in the jaw and throat. Here are some of the main types of intraoral and extraoral imaging machine.


Dental computed tomography (CT)

Dental X-ray

It is game-changing imaging that permits your dental specialist to take a look at the inside of your mouth in 3D. Dental CT scan can give a complete and accurate dimension for dental implant surgery. Also, the scanning enables your dental specialist to discover blisters, tumors, and cracks.


Dental CT and cone beam CT are kinds of x-ray that made 3D pictures of your mouth. CBCT cuts the radiation exposure drastically when contrasted with clinical CT. The two structures are better than the intraoral panoramic x-beams, as they benefit your dental specialist in performing the following:


Giving precise measurements like figure and dimensions of your jaw. This scanning is helpful for a dental implant surgical procedure and taking measures for oral apparatuses.

Identifying sores that may demonstrate severe disease.

Detecting the exact area of an infection in your tooth.

Assessing your nasal cavity, sinuses, and nerve canal.

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
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2021년 7월 8일 목요일

Dental implant is essential _Gangnam Dental Clinic in Seoul


When a person loses a tooth, dental implants can be a common intervention. The top reasons for a missing tooth can be poor oral hygiene, plaque buildup, tartar buildup, decay, or disease.


Dental implants are used as a foundation and structure for the replacement tooth. Unlike other replacement options, an implant replaces the tooth and the root. If you lose a tooth and do not replace, a domino effect where one shift leads to another can happen. It can also cause issues with your dental occlusion which will affect your life.


When are dental implants necessary?

If you do not want dentures, bridges, or crowns to replace missing teeth, dental implants are then necessary. If you have missing teeth and do not replace them, the consequences can become extreme. Dental implants are also necessary for the aesthetic benefits. Dental implants can also play a critical role in the function of the mouth. A dental implant can help support a healthy bite, keep teeth in their proper places, and contribute to decreasing bone deterioration. The pressure and stimulus of the chewing action can also help to preserve the jawbone.


Dental implants can also be beneficial to the overall beauty aspect of your teeth. With dental implants, you may not feel as self-conscious about how your smile. Dental implants are necessary to help increase your self-esteem and self-confidence when eating.


What happens if dental implants are not used?

Some people question the necessity of replacing a missing tooth with an implant. Some people even wonder how long they can wait before getting the procedure. These questions come from fear about the process and anxiety about the price of it. Most people do not realize that waiting or refusing dental implants can have severe adverse effects on the health of their mouths. This lack of information leads individuals to wait too long to have the dental implant procedure completed.


When you put off or forgo dental implant surgery, you do so to your detriment. The results prove that it adversely affects your oral health, the overall health of your body, and your pocketbook. Typically, forgoing or delaying implant surgery causes more dental work requirements.


What are the long-term costs associated with not getting dental implants?

A wide array of items can go incredibly wrong if when a patient decides not to have dental implant surgery or delay the surgery. When a tooth needs to be pulled, it must also be removed or cause damage to the adjacent teeth. Dentists understand delaying or forgoing almost any dental procedure can cause damage later in life.


The positioning of your teeth can also be affected by postponing a dental implant. Every tooth in your mouth works together as partners. When one of these partners is missing, the other teeth can shift. The teeth in the rear of your mouth can lean forward into the implant space. This fact means that when you do decide to get the implant, there may not be enough room. If an opposing tooth does not have a partner, it can become dislodged from the arch creating issues with your bite.


This shifting of the adjacent teeth is a gradual process that you may not notice. However, it begins as soon as you have a missing tooth. The eruption of the opposing tooth can also increase the chances of you experiencing temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ).  It is important also to remember that dental implants generally become an investment in an individual’s confidence, oral health, and appearance. Most patients are concerned with the price of the procedure, but it is very affordable. It is more expensive to wait.


The dentists at Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic also provide a variety of items to help ensure patient comfort.

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
💌Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiukTvxMd6cWBuM9SvW3tSQ


2021년 7월 6일 화요일

Getting Lingual Braces in Korea Gangnam _ Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic


Lingual braces are one of several options for discreet cosmetic teeth straightening. They’re virtually invisible when you’re smiling, eating or talking, so no one knows you’re wearing them. Therefore, although they’re suitable for all ages, this makes them ideal for adults who want to get their teeth straightened, or get rid of gaps in their teeth.


What are lingual braces?

Sometimes called ‘hidden braces’, lingual braces are just like traditional braces except they’re fitted to the inside of your teeth rather than the front surface. So although they can’t be seen by other people, they’re still a type of fixed metal brace, made of brackets and wires.


How do lingual braces work?

A strong ‘arch’ wire is threaded through the brackets glued to the back of your teeth. Because your teeth need straightening, this will pull the arch wire out of shape.


Over time, the arch wire pulls back to its original shape, and this means that your teeth – attached to the wire – go with it. As a result, they get straightened into an improved dental arch.


You’ll need to go back to your dentist every few weeks to have the wires tightened and adjusted until you achieve the desired result.


Who can wear lingual braces?

They’re suitable for all ages, particularly adults who want to correct their smile without everyone noticing. They can be a good option if you’re into contact sports like rugby, although we’d recommend a mouth guard. And they’re ideal if you play a wind instrument like the flute. However, depending on your teeth alignment they might not be suitable for all cases, so consult your dentist about options.


How long do lingual braces take?

Depending on how much straightening you need, lingual braces can take anything from a few months to two years. Even if you need the full two years, you’ll start to see a difference within a few months.

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
💌Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiukTvxMd6cWBuM9SvW3tSQ

2021년 7월 5일 월요일

Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Dental Crown_Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic at Gangnam

 A crown is basically a cap for a damaged tooth. It can be made from a variety of materials, including metal or porcelain.


You might have a crown over a molar that rarely shows, except when you yawn widely, or you might have crowns on your front teeth that were specifically designed to match your other teeth.


Several factors are important to consider when choosing a crown, including:


-      Cost

-      Strength

-      Durability


A natural appearance that doesn’t detract from your smile may also be a priority for you. A Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic dentist can discuss the various options and help you to figure out what best meets your need.


Types of dental crowns

Different kinds of materials can be used in crowns, including:


-      Porcelain

-      Ceramic

-      Zirconia

-      Metal

     -   Composite resin

For example, you could have a porcelain crown that’s fused to metal, as opposed to an all-porcelain crown.


When selecting the material for your crown, your dentist will consider factors such as:


-      your tooth’s location

-      how much of the tooth will show when you smile

-      position of your gum tissue

-      function of the tooth that needs the crown

-      how much natural tooth is remaining

-      color of the surrounding teeth

You can also talk with your dentist about your personal preference. If you don’t already have a dentist, the Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic can help you find one in your.

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
💌Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiukTvxMd6cWBuM9SvW3tSQ

2021년 7월 4일 일요일

The Advantages of Choosing a High-Tech Dentist at Gangnam Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic

 With advancements in dental technology, the dentist office experience has drastically changed over the last 15+ years. Modern dentist offices with advanced technology help improve your experience in the dental chair, protect your health, and deliver amazing results. I would like explain to you why you recommend visit Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic at Gangnam.



Easy scheduling

Modern technology allows dentists to provide you with an improved experience before you even set foot in a dentist office. For example, electronic health records allow your dentist to quickly pull up your health history, answer your questions over the phone, and collate information for referrals and insurance claims.


More efficient appointments

No matter how comfortable or friendly your dentist office is, you’d probably rather not spend more time in the dental chair than necessary. We all lead busy lives and have things to do!


Modern dentistry recognizes the need to make dental treatments more efficient and helps keep your time in the chair short and sweet.

Teeth whitening treatment are a good example. Instead of long, drawn out at-home treatments or multiple in-office treatments, new technology exists to give you dramatically whiter teeth in just a single 1-hour in-office treatment.

Better understanding of your diagnosis

High-tech dentistry not only makes it easier for your dental team to explain your diagnosis, but for you to understand why they reached the diagnoses and how the issue can be fixed.


In years past, your dentist would tell you a tooth was infected and needed a root canal. You just had to take their word for it. Today, a high-tech dentist can show you a 3D x-ray image of your infected tooth, explain what you’re seeing, and help you understand exactly how a root canal will fix the issue.


Looking for a high-tech dentist near you?

At Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic, we believe nothing should stand between you and a healthier smile. We offer our patients the highest quality treatments and advanced technologies to ensure your experience is great and your results even greater.

Take advantage of our new patient special and get the top-notch care you deserve today.


📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
💌Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiukTvxMd6cWBuM9SvW3tSQ

2021년 7월 1일 목요일

What to Expect from a Dental Consultation at Yonsei Uline Dental Clinic Gangnam

When you are a new patient at a dentist’s office, the first step is usually to schedule an initial consultation. A consultation is basically an evaluation of the current condition of your teeth. If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, you may be worried or embarrassed about the current state of your teeth. Here’s what happens during a typical new patient dental consultation.



Anytime you visit a new office, you’ll be required to fill out some paperwork. They’ll want to know basic things like your name and address, as well as your health and dental history. Be sure to bring your insurance card with you if you have dental insurance. If you are transferring from a previous dentist’s office, call and request that your records be sent to the new office.


Dental Examination

Next, you’ll be called back to an examination room for a dental exam. A dental hygienist often performs the basic examination, making notes for the dentist. Your teeth, gums, mouth, and jaw bone will be evaluated, looking for things like cavities, enamel erosion, and receding gums. The dentist will then perform a more thorough examination, also making notes in your file (most likely on a computer or tablet).


It’s important for your dentist to establish a baseline of your current dental health in order to make decisions about further treatment. If you are in need of fillings, crowns, implants, or other dental procedures, your dentist may prioritize needed work based on urgency.



You can expect to have x-rays made of your teeth during that first visit. X-rays are another tool to gain information about your current dental health. The images show things that can’t be seen by the naked eye. For example, dark, shadowy areas in your teeth suggest cavities. The health of your jawbones can also be evaluated through x-ray images, which is a key factor when making decisions about the possibility of implants.


Conversation Between You and Your Dentist

Your dentist will want to know what you hope to gain through dental treatment. Are you looking for better oral health? Do you hope to improve your appearance through teeth straightening, whitening, or other cosmetic dentistry? Your dentist will want to know why you are seeking dental care, and it’s best for you to be as honest as possible so that you are both on the same page and working toward the same goals.


Making a Plan for Further Treatment

Taking into consideration the results of your examination and x-rays, as well as your dental goals, your dentist will formulate a treatment plan. This is an outline of the best course of action and the necessary steps to get the desired results. In some cases, the next steps may just be regular exams and cleanings. If you need more in-depth dental procedures, you may be scheduled for additional appointments.

📌Uline Specialty📌
Gum Surgery
💌WhatsApp +82 10-8744-2822
💌Quick Consultation Request http://ulineweb2.co.kr/cv/landing/v/rd8
💌Website http://ulinedental.co.kr/
💌Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiukTvxMd6cWBuM9SvW3tSQ

Cavity treatment Gangnam Dental Clinic

 Many of the foreign patients are afraid to visit dental clinic in Korea WHY? There are few reasons that they are avoid to visit dental clin...